In Between Emptiness and Renewal, 2020

Exhibited in internet group show Meme!2020, Underdonk. In Between Emptiness and Renewal was a performance video I made in late 2020 about the worth of communication and connection while representing how so much of that is under attack and oppressed, and has always been under attack and oppressed.

Titan, 2016

In 2016, I performed Titan around 17 times around punk clubs, experimental DIY spaces, and smaller venues, utilizing drums, vocals, film, and photography to address themes of safety, defeat, capitalism, rape, whiteness, and nihilism. From 2013-2015, I made somewhere around 35+ different movements, all lyric and drum based, and would mash them up from performance to performance. While recovering memories, having flashbacks and night terrors, and processing the first 21 years of my trauma, I was also being traumatized on a daily basis through starvation and exploitation. I was struggling and I hated how much I had to survive. Psychologically, performing felt like too much, like a tripling of the trauma, and I stopped. I hope to get back to it.

Failure - Whitey - Reproduce, 2015

Failure - Whitey - Reproduce was an anxiety attack / dissociative moment I filmed after a really scary day at work. The more and more money I made, the more close I was to white, patriarchal power, and the more I was asked to placate, reproduce, and commune with it. This all made me and makes me sick.